mrs. Annah wants to promote the ability to think. In her opinion on of the most important abilities is to think and ask questions about the world, the universe and everything. Imagination and critical thinking are interconnected and the basis for restoring a healthy society based on Natural Law.

The writings in this section will concentrate on clarifying a number of misunderstanding concerning the mind, the new age spirituality and the outdated psychology. It is the intention of mrs. annah to restore the deep understanding of what the mind or is not. Likewise she will look into parts of Vedantic knowledge as it relates to the misunderstandings of “the mind”, the deception of perception, the illusion of the outer perceived world. Mrs. annah will also share her thoughts on “The Great Work”, inner-child work and shadow-work as it relates to the understanding of perception and the mind.

Being a long-term part of the street life in Rishikesh includes a close relationship to shop-owners, dogs, cows and also monkeys calls for a sharp eye for unique situations, fun, laughter and lots of loving attention to everyone on the streets. Some times there is also some serious and deep contemplation on life. Pictures, thoughts and conversations will be presented to you. The hope of mrs. Annah is that you get a smile on your face or “ups, I didn’t see that one coming”.